Menurut J.C Denyer dalam bukunya Hery
Sawiji yang berjudul “Manajemen Perkantoran”, tugas-tugas dari seorang kepala
kantor (office manager) dapat
dirumuskan sebagai berikut:
1. In relation to top management
To support and implement the policies
off top management kust be the first duty. Equally, it can be said that an
office manager has a duty of reporing back anytging wich need reporting.
Arrears of work acute work problems, and staffing diffuculties, fore axample,
should be reported promptly. He will also be expected to cooperate with the O
and M departement, if such a departement is in existence.
2. In relation to the work
He should ensure that work is done, in
the preseri bed or best time, and ensure that it is of the best quality. An office
manager will be expectid to see that
work continues regardless of sickness, annual holidays, etc. it will be his job
to deal with work problems, as well as organizing the work as well as over the
use and maintenance of machines.
3. In relation to
He should
recognise that they perform the work, and should take an in them and in the
work they do. He should assess the quality of staffing, and recommendation for
promotion and or increased pay. He is often required to train staff, as well as
to supervise hem. He should be the person to whom staff can turn for assistance,
and he should encourage a team spirit, and set good example to staff. He should
remember that to the medium of speddy communication from staff upwards, and
from management downwards.
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4. In relatoin to
Should an office
manager have assocites on the same level in other departments, then he should
cooperate with them, even to the extent
of transfering staff, if it is to the benefit or the business as a whole. He
should ensure that there is good coordination with associates, that the office procedures
follow common policies, and that system
“do vetail” with one another.
Dr. Hery Sawiji,
M.Pd. (Dosen S1 dan S2 Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP UNS).
Maaf mas, bahasa Inggrisnya banyak yang typo dan berantakan jadi banyak yang artinya tidak sesuai sehingga mengurangi kenyamanan membaca dan memahami.
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